Recycled Plastic Furniture
Recycled plastic furniture, as durable as it is, still needs a bit of attention on occasion to keep it looking as good as the day you purchased it. In most cases, a simple spring wipe down with our “Earth Scrub ”, cloth, and the garden hose will work wonders. Mr. Clean Magic Erasers will be your best friend when it comes to those more stubborn stains. Mother nature also plays an important role in the spring as the melting of the ice and snow creates a pre scrub.
“Earth Scrub Recipe” Effective Rating 90% - 100%
- • In a mixing bowl, add 1 2 / 3 c. baking soda with 1/2 c. of liquid soap.
- • Mix thoroughly.
- • Add 2 tbsp. of vinegar.
- • Continue mixing until all the lumps are gone.
- • If you can pour it into the bottle easily, then you have the right
- consistency. If it is too thick, add more water.
- • Be sure to keep the cap on - this mixture will dry out.
- • Shake well before using.
- • Squirt on furniture, and use a nylon white-backed sponge to prevent scratching. Rinse with clean water.
This earth scrub can also be used to clean sinks, tubs, toilet bowl, floors, garbage cans and can pretty much clean up any greasy, grimy job.
Should you have an issue with mold and mildew, that may happen if you are in damp areas, you can combat that with one of our other tricks, 3% hydrogen peroxide. Simply spray on affected areas, let set for at least 10 minutes, then rinse will with the garden hose. Repeat if necessary.

Wooden Furniture
Quality cedar furniture can look incredible for many years if care is taken and kept maintained. Remember that cedar likes to breathe and likes to be stained not painted to allow moisture to escape.
This should occur every 4 or 5 years or whenever the color needs a lift. Another very important aspect to cedar furniture is the important task of covering or putting out of the weather during our Canadian winter months.
Check and tighten (if necessary) all fastenings each season to ensure they have not loosened up.
If you need a homemade cleaner that will get rid of everyday dust and dirt, use this recipe for your wood surfaces: 1 cup of water, 1/2 a cup of white vinegar, 2 teaspoons of mineral oil or coconut oil, 15 drops of lemon oil, an empty spray bottle and a microfiber cloth or soft cloth.

Cushions and Fabric
As soon as you see signs of dirt on your deep seating cushions, you should take the time to give them a quick clean. In order to do this inexpensively and effectively, simply use a mixture of dish soap and warm water with a soft sponge to wipe down the fabrics.
Occasionally it may be beneficial to remove the outer covers and handwash the fabrics; lay flat to dry.
Never machine wash or dry your covers; always hand-wash and use the gentle dish soap solution.
Fabrics, covers, and cushions need to be completely dried out prior to storage preventing mildew and mold from occurring over the winter months. To learn more and for more information of specific stains, visit the Sunbrella website at www.sunbrella.com Look for the Sunbrella Cleaning Guide.